Morning view from our hotel apartment |
We just got back from our Thanksgiving holiday in Manila. My dad and his wife (Mayen) were in a production of C.S. Lewis' "The Horse and His Boy" and had mentioned casually to us that it would be fun if we could just pop over to catch a show. We had recently had to reschedule our vacation plans due to interference from work, and had not yet decided exactly on what to do. At first we laughed at the idea since we had just visited last year, almost to the day, and it seemed ridiculous to go back so soon. But then as we got to thinking about it, the Philippines is not that far away (4 -5 hours), the tickets aren't that expensive, and my son had never seen his grandfather in a live production. So after thinking about it, we decided it would be worth it after all.
Meralco Theater! |
We stayed at a hotel near my dad's apartment in Makati because their place was going to be full up. We were worried we would only be able to find expensive places to stay in that area, but were glad to find a place called Salcedo Suites that was quite reasonable, and it was a 5 minute walk from dad's building. It was small but serviceable, and other than the rather pathetic air conditioner (it worked, but barely), we had no complaints.
Poster for the show |
We flew in on Saturday from Haneda, got ourselves by taxi to the hotel, ate dinner and went to bed. Dad had 2 shows on Saturday so we didn't expect to see them til late the next morning. We went over to their place later in the morning on Sunday and had breakfast together. Towards lunch we hitched a ride with them to the Meralco Theater, which is where I have all sorts of memories of previous shows my dad has been in over the years. We got dropped off at Robinson's Galleria mall, where I used to hang out as a teenager, to wander around, kill time, and eat lunch prior to the final show which was a matinee.
The stage before the start of the show |
The show itself was very fun. We were concerned most of all with how they would do the horses and the riding scenes, which are so integral to the story. Impressively, the horses were the part most everyone was pleased with. They used a two part horse that was controlled independently by two different people, each with a harness to hold the horse part on their shoulders and with their heads poking up through the body. The parts could separate or come together as needed, which was important for how they did the riding. When a rider was absent, the two parts simply stood close to each other and synchronized their "hoofs" to simulate a horse. When a rider was needed, a 3rd person (all in black) would come on stage and stand in between the horses while the rider would "mount" the third person's shoulders. Then all 3 parts of the horse would move together. As with all aspects of theater, there is a level of suspension of disbelief that is required to make it all work, but this worked great for me, and after a while I was able to believe that the 4 person machine in front of me was really one horse and its rider. The effect was best when the horses were galloping directly towards the audience in combination with lighting effects to give the illusion of forward movement. You couldn't see the third person of the horse, nor could you see the other 2 heads of people poking up, all you saw were the horses' heads and the rider moving like they were galloping. It was quite striking. Overall we were very pleased with the show.
Fans in the dressing room |
Afterwards we got to go backstage and see their dressing rooms. Then the cast came on stage for some final pictures, and the puppets were brought forward so pictures could be taken as well. We helped dad and Mayen move out of their rooms as Mayen apparently has a tendency to really "move in" during a production ;-), and took a taxi home.
Dad and Mayen in full regalia |
Most of the rest of the time there we just ate and hung out with dad and Mayen, eating great food (many new reviews are up on my other
blog) and having good conversation. Rowan and I also got to go to a spa (aka Korean version of an onsen) with my dad and his good friend Jaime for more great conversation.
Cast photo |
On our final day there my dad drove us out to Faith Academy, the school where he and I both went. We visited there last year just for a tour of the facility as we were considering maybe sending Rowan there. At the time we ended up deciding to go with homeschooling through high school, but since then we have been reconsidering things and this time we wanted Rowan to actually shadow someone through some classes and tour a dormitory. He had never actually been in a real classroom and had no idea what it was like, so we are hoping the experience has helped to educate him a bit. Also, checking the dorms out allowed us to see what that situation is like, as I have some probably skewed feelings on the subject and needed to be corrected by reality. Faith Academy is a truly lovely school, much more so than I recall. A little perspective in life really changes how you look at things. Also being able to talk with several people on staff there in administration and at the dorms, we got a very strong sense of everyone's competence and care for the kids. Best of all they really understand homeschoolers as so many missionaries start homeschooling and end up sending their kids to Faith for middle or high school. We are now thinking the best option for Rowan might be to send him to Faith for highschool (or possibly starting at 8th grade) staying at the dorms. We were not feeling positive about the dorm option before, but now that our fears are allayed, it really seems like the best approach. It may take some convincing to get him there, but we are hopeful.
Dad, Mayen and director Jaime |
After that we headed back into Manila, and got the pleasure of enduring the horrible traffic that it is famous for. It took us about 2 1/2 hours to get back home, most of it sweating in a car whose air con could barely keep up with the situation...ah the memories! At least there was an air con at all! When *I* was a kid...let me tell you!
Front end of Bree |
We had a great time and got back to Japan on Thursday in time for lunch at Haneda. The only unfortunate thing during the last 2 or 3 days in the Philippines was that I got a cold :-(. May not seem like much, but I hardly ever get sick and this was a doozy. As I type on Saturday morning I'm still sneezing and sniffling. It's been forever since this happened, but on the flight back, despite taking "dry up" pills, the decent was intensely painful on my ears. All the tubes were blocked up so there was no way for the pressure to equalize and I was genuinely concerned about my eardrums perforating. After looking it up on the Internet I found that sure enough, flying with a cold is the main cause of perforated ear drums. Thank goodness that didn't happen, but the pain sure made me worry!
Aslan |
On Friday, the day after we returned, we had an appointment to go visit another high school option for Rowan, the Horizon International School in Yokohama. This would be a stretch for us, both in terms of distance to commute and cost, but it was an outlier, so we felt we had to look into it. It's a nice, small school with k-12 and great programs. But after our visit all 3 of us were unanimous in concluding it wouldn't work for us. I don't want to go into details, but suffice it to say, it's off the list. So now we are left with 1) continuing homeschooling through high school, 2) pay for some classes on base, but homeschool the rest, 3) full online high school, 4) Faith Academy and the dorm, or 5) move to the Philippines and go to Faith Academy. We will make our decision by the end of the year, but at the moment we are leaning most towards #4. The main issue is that we feel Rowan really needs outside influence now. He wants to stay homeschooling, but only because he perceives it as the least amount of effort for him. He does not yet realize that the workload will increase regardless of the option, and that if we have to force him to do it, it's going to overload our homelife with stress. If he was a willing and eager student, that would be a different situation. Given his resistance to exerting himself in any way, we feel it would be best to send him out into a situation in which he would be accountable to others. And maybe they will have greater success than we have had in motivating him to do well. There are no perfect solutions, and we continue to pray about the best option.
Big scary Aslan for the chase scene |
So there it is, our vacation and school decisions. Now we have what remains of this 3 day weekend, and Kerri woke up this morning with what appears to be the stomach flu or food poisoning from dinner last night (I stayed home...no issues here). She sits miserable upon the couch behind me, periodically trekking to the bathroom to perform one or the other of the horrible things that such a condition requires. She is very sad, but I don't know what to do for her at the moment as nothing seems to stay down. Hopefully we can get at least one day of rest before real life starts up again on Monday.
The view from behind Faith Academy |